1. Sahara, 2. Blue Moon Sock Candy Socks, 3. Brooklyn Cap, 4. FIngerless Mitts, 5. Second Hat for Memo, 6. Memo hat, 7. One Skein Wonder, 8. Sheldon the Turtle, 9. Indigo Ripple Skirt, 10. Baby Moccasins, 11. Dog Sweater, 12. Fingerless Mitts, 13. Wicked, 14. Eiffel, 15. Dog Swreater, 16. Rusted Root, 17. EZ Baby Suprise Jacket & Driving Moccasins, 18. Baby Argyle Vest, 19. Dave's orange socks, 20. Fifi, 21. EZ February baby sweater, 22. Baby booties, 23. Sweater with Cables from Rebecca, 24. Coquette Lace Tube Top, 25. entralec socks, 26. tree jacket, 27. Surplice Lace Top, 28. Baby socks, 29. Monkey Socks for Swap, 30. Black basic skirt, 31. Placemats for churchable's cousin, 32. Pillows for a friend, 33. Care Bears Halloween present, 34. Dog Boy's Koolhaas, 35. Boteh Scarf, 36. Scherherazade's Slippers

1. Camo socks for BIL 2. Scarf for Judy 3. Gee's socks and scarf 4. Juliet
I thought since it has almost been a year of me blogging about knitting and no longer blogging about food. I would participate in Knit Lit's Best of 2007.
1. your best FO of the year
I think that my best finished object of 2007 was Rusted Root. I figured out all the little bits of shaping details and I wear it all year long unless it is hotter than 75 degrees.
2. best FO of the year made by a blog you link to
Wow there are so many that I love and that inspire me. I read over 500+ blogs. I will list the blogs that have created multiple FOs that I admire: Feather and Fan, Heidi's Knitbits, Confessions of a Sociopathic Knitter, Flint Knits, Sknitty, Neither Hip Nor Funky, Schrodinger Knits (especially her new project bags - awesome), Eleven Stitches (loved her eleven single socks from this summer), Turtlegirl, and Elliphantom Knits
3. best yarn you tried
Well I branched out this year from my love of Cotton Fleece, Habu (yes I knew about this since 2001 as a weaver and I have a separate Habu stash), and Opal (what was I thinking with that) to fall in love with high end Indie yarn. I loved Blue Moon Fiber Arts Yarn so much that I pursued an opportunity to work for Tina. I love all the yarn that I got to work with especially Sock Candy and Twisted!. I also finally too the leap and ordered from Knitpicks and several Etsy suppliers. I tried koigu and hated but then decided to knit a garment instead of socks and fell in love with it knit at a really large non lacy gauge. But my current yarns as crack are Cotton Fleece (haha I knew this was to stay) and Calmer (oh I wish my budget was different than it is).
4. best new book/mag/pattern of 2007
Wow I gained so many this year in an effort to better myself in knitting and to research design ideas. The books that have changed my perspective on knitting are The Knitter's Book of Yarn (if you are afraid to knit a garment in something other than the recommended yarn, get this book it will help you understand how to substitute yarns), No sheep for You (such a lovely book, I want to make so much in it), Big Girl Knits (Everyone should have this book even if the bust measurements are bigger than theirs because this explains how to work with what you have and modify a garment to fit your unique form), Knitting Lingerie Style (knitting patterns designed in the same way as handsewn garments. Wow), New Pathways for Sock Knitters: Book One (Just as I was wondering if you could mess with the standard sock structure, I saw an ad for this book so awesome)
As for magazines, I love anything by Interweave - Knits, Crochet, Piecework, Spin-off, and the special Felt issue. I also love the things that come in Knitty.com.
5. best new knitting technique or gadget you tried in 2007
I have become a Knit picks Harmony Options convert. I love them. I also am addicted to Schrodinger Cubes. I learned how to seam up my garments professionally this year. That was a goal and oh do things look beautiful when done right.
6. top 5 inspirations--what five things inspired you the most over the past year?
Yarn, Nature, Needs, Texture, and my dreams
7. designer who most amazed & inspired you throughout the year
Kat Coyle, Norah Gaughan, Cookie A, and so many other. I can't even begin to list them. I have absorbed so much information this year I don't know if I can actually understand it all and use it properly.
8. knitting resolutions for 2008--what's next for you and your blog?
Well this time last year, I might have knit 2 sweaters a year. This year I participated in the Sexy Knitters Club and knit 11 adult size sweaters (7 with the Sexy Knitters), 3 baby sweaters, and 2 dog sweaters. I also learned how to love sock knitting and completed 6 pairs of socks (one pair seems to be missing from the pics above). I learned so much and right before that I had discovered knitting blogs and started expanding my knowledge of how to knit better. I also went from dreaming of designing to designing 4 items this year. One will be out later on the blog, in the spring for free and the others will be available through Blue Moon. I started my blog to encourage myself to pursuit my dream of being a fiber artist. I wanted to put my art degree to work. I did that.
So my goals for me:
Become a better designer and knitter.
Goals for my blog:
Make it more user friendly and try to post more often so I don't have monster posts.
(any suggestions welcome)
1. your best FO of the year
I think that my best finished object of 2007 was Rusted Root. I figured out all the little bits of shaping details and I wear it all year long unless it is hotter than 75 degrees.
2. best FO of the year made by a blog you link to
Wow there are so many that I love and that inspire me. I read over 500+ blogs. I will list the blogs that have created multiple FOs that I admire: Feather and Fan, Heidi's Knitbits, Confessions of a Sociopathic Knitter, Flint Knits, Sknitty, Neither Hip Nor Funky, Schrodinger Knits (especially her new project bags - awesome), Eleven Stitches (loved her eleven single socks from this summer), Turtlegirl, and Elliphantom Knits
3. best yarn you tried
Well I branched out this year from my love of Cotton Fleece, Habu (yes I knew about this since 2001 as a weaver and I have a separate Habu stash), and Opal (what was I thinking with that) to fall in love with high end Indie yarn. I loved Blue Moon Fiber Arts Yarn so much that I pursued an opportunity to work for Tina. I love all the yarn that I got to work with especially Sock Candy and Twisted!. I also finally too the leap and ordered from Knitpicks and several Etsy suppliers. I tried koigu and hated but then decided to knit a garment instead of socks and fell in love with it knit at a really large non lacy gauge. But my current yarns as crack are Cotton Fleece (haha I knew this was to stay) and Calmer (oh I wish my budget was different than it is).
4. best new book/mag/pattern of 2007
Wow I gained so many this year in an effort to better myself in knitting and to research design ideas. The books that have changed my perspective on knitting are The Knitter's Book of Yarn (if you are afraid to knit a garment in something other than the recommended yarn, get this book it will help you understand how to substitute yarns), No sheep for You (such a lovely book, I want to make so much in it), Big Girl Knits (Everyone should have this book even if the bust measurements are bigger than theirs because this explains how to work with what you have and modify a garment to fit your unique form), Knitting Lingerie Style (knitting patterns designed in the same way as handsewn garments. Wow), New Pathways for Sock Knitters: Book One (Just as I was wondering if you could mess with the standard sock structure, I saw an ad for this book so awesome)
As for magazines, I love anything by Interweave - Knits, Crochet, Piecework, Spin-off, and the special Felt issue. I also love the things that come in Knitty.com.
5. best new knitting technique or gadget you tried in 2007
I have become a Knit picks Harmony Options convert. I love them. I also am addicted to Schrodinger Cubes. I learned how to seam up my garments professionally this year. That was a goal and oh do things look beautiful when done right.
6. top 5 inspirations--what five things inspired you the most over the past year?
Yarn, Nature, Needs, Texture, and my dreams
7. designer who most amazed & inspired you throughout the year
Kat Coyle, Norah Gaughan, Cookie A, and so many other. I can't even begin to list them. I have absorbed so much information this year I don't know if I can actually understand it all and use it properly.
8. knitting resolutions for 2008--what's next for you and your blog?
Well this time last year, I might have knit 2 sweaters a year. This year I participated in the Sexy Knitters Club and knit 11 adult size sweaters (7 with the Sexy Knitters), 3 baby sweaters, and 2 dog sweaters. I also learned how to love sock knitting and completed 6 pairs of socks (one pair seems to be missing from the pics above). I learned so much and right before that I had discovered knitting blogs and started expanding my knowledge of how to knit better. I also went from dreaming of designing to designing 4 items this year. One will be out later on the blog, in the spring for free and the others will be available through Blue Moon. I started my blog to encourage myself to pursuit my dream of being a fiber artist. I wanted to put my art degree to work. I did that.
So my goals for me:
Become a better designer and knitter.
Goals for my blog:
Make it more user friendly and try to post more often so I don't have monster posts.
(any suggestions welcome)