Man o Man has time marched on. I promised you my mojo eater ideas. So here they are:
1. All my projects are boring to me. Too much stockinette stitch and ribbing.
2. The crud came knocking this weekend. The unknown beginnings were messing with me.
3. There is a new knitter in the house. My boy is knitting me a love scarf, since we all know I don't do scarves.
Which one do you think it is? I will let you know what I think later in the week.
Now on to the WIPs. They have not gotten much play this week. I did knit on all of them a bit each. I even forgot when gathering them up today what was on the needles.
BILs sock is coming along nicely. I forced myself on Thursday to finish the cuff and BO and CO for the second sock so that I felt like I had made some progress.
The pink sock and I are spending a bit of time together but not too much or else the pink might rub off on me. I am enjoying the process of praying for my swap partner while I knit. I just hope this one does not have as much angst as the last prayer sock.
I pulled out the Firebrick mitten last night since my test knitters are done with their first mittens and I am still trying to get past the thumb divide. It should be a bit easier now. This mitten hung out and watched "So you think you can dance?" last night. They really grooved with Twitchington.