Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up - the long weekend

This weekend was busy and long. Friday was awesome. We took the dogs to Gnat Creek Trail to go hiking. I brought the camera but completely forgot about it and left it in the car. Such a beautiful place. We were hiking above a creek that had a base of lava. The trail was the springiest and softest trail I have ever hiked.

Saturday was life suckingly busy. I headed a women's tea at our church and churchable helped out at the boy scout garage sale. Both these events are held every year for each of our groups and they require coordination. I became president of the group that holds the women's tea in January. I did not realize how much time and energy this event takes. This year we had each table be decorated by different ladies in the church. Each table was amazing. The above tables were the winning tables. I barely got any knitting done.

Sunday was the usual business plus a church meeting. At least I was able to knit during both church and the information meeting. I have progressed greatly on Sahara. It is going way faster than I expected which is good because time is moving faster than I expected.


Monday was time for churchable and I to have alone before he started working shift this week and I would not see him since he would be working 12 hour days. His original plan was to hike Mt St Helen's and ski down thus adding an additional month to how many he has skied in a row. I was going to go with him and hike half up to the Loowit trail and then back to the car to enjoy nice quiet knitting time. All this was not available since it was snowing and low visibility at the top, he did not feel safe about climbing alone. Thus we headed to the coast to see Fort Clatsop where Lewis and Clark wintered over on their journey. I took him to Ecola park and we hiked along the cliffs looking out onto the ocean.

On Monday I realized that the little girl had outgrown her sock sweaters that I made for her. She finally needed a real sweater. So in between all the hiking, I whipped up a cute little dog sweater from scratch with colorwork.